This video shows how to repair peeling leather, and why it's seldom worth the effort. The video compares a flexible leather filler putty to FlexSeal® rubberized coating and the month-later results. More information and options are outlined in this article about flaking faux leather.
- 0:00 - Intro
- 0:28 - Prep peeling
- 0:57 - Applying Soft Filler leather repair putty
- 3:47 - Ugh, more peeling
- 3:58 - Applying FlexSeal® rubberized coating
- 5:13 - Comparing Soft Filler and FlexSeal®
- 5:45 - Recoloring
- 6:22 - The final result after refinishing
- 6:40 - After a month of use
- 7:19 - Our recommendation