Return or Exchange
Return & Exchange Policy
We do not accept returns on opened items or Custom Colors.
All other products, if unopened, may be returned within 60 days of purchase. We are not responsible for damage or loss as a result of insufficient packaging.
PLEASE NOTE, it may be cost prohibitive to return the following:
- a single 2 oz. color,
- a single 2 oz. or 4 oz. clear,
- one 1 oz. filler,
- or cleaner.
We subsidize UPS 2nd Day and Next Day Air rates for orders that otherwise qualify for free shipping (and would ship via UPS Ground or Priority Mail). We recoup this expense on returns and exchanges. For example, if you paid $14 for UPS 2nd Day Air, our cost was $22, and we'll recoup the $8 difference.
If you request a return label, this cost will also be deducted from any return or exchange. Our return labels are convenient and cost less than the retail rates you'll pay at UPS or the Post Office. We are unable to create return labels for international customers.
We also retain the 3.5% credit card or PayPal fee on returns. Exchanges avoid this.
If you wish to exchange for a Custom Color, include a sample of the leather or vinyl and a Color Matching Request with your return.
Within 1 business day of receipt, we'll send:
- an email with details of the refund or
- an invoice for any shipping or customization fee due on an exchange. If not paid within 5 business days, a refund will be processed.
Start Your Return or Exchange Below:
Cancellation Policy
Call 888-704-5571 or reply to the order confirmation to cancel an order. We will promptly process the request.
If your order has already shipped, we can intercept it for a fee, which will be deducted from any refund or exchange.Ā
If you cancel before the credit card has settled, we will void the order, and all the funds will be restored to your account. If the payment has settled (or is instantaneous with PayPal), we will retain the 3.5% processing fee.
Custom Colors cannot be cancelled once we have begun formulation.Ā